Thursday, May 20, 2010

Valid Arguments.

Ok, here's something to chew on:

Why do we cook bacon, and bake cookies? wouldn't it make more sense to work words so that we bake bacon, and cook cookies? Another thing, why do we park in driveways, and drive on parkways? that is seriously messed up, and i think we need to pass an amendment to the constitution to have this fixed immediately. Who's with me?

          Anyway, this next paragraph is dedicated To somebody Named Katie Smith. She's kind of an odd fellow (fellete? I don't know the female equivilant!) shes really not threatening at all, and she sucks at building bridges. If you ever meet her in real life, which there's a very large chance you will (she's always outside) then i suggest you run. Long story short? She is kinda too awesome for you, despite her disability when it comes to masonry arts. Hiss

people who are mad at your for unknown reasons are particularly frustrating. Especially if they don't tell you why, and you don't want to ask again out of fear you'd just be annoying them more.

Anyway, im pretty excited for tommorow. I'm going to a dance. Im just scared that i'll embarass myself by doing some old timey move. I think i'll just play it safe and do the robot and the sprinkler, as soon as they start playing some saturday night fever. If I'm feeling really lucky, I'll advance to the jitterbug, since that's apparently what reels the ladies in. But you know, just keeping up with the times!

 Along with that, Me and all my teammates are wearing our ultimate jerseys to school tomorrow, we're aiming for team pride for a relatively new unappreciated sport! (science teacher should be amused at our chemical element names.)

Song Quote of the Day-
"Because when a heart breaks, no it don't break even..."
-The Script, "Breakeven"

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Learned my Lesson? Not quite..

                This is probably the fiftieth time I have burned myself in the shower. I swear, as soon as I step into the tub, I get all existential, ravaging every thought that comes to mind, apparently including the one that says "turn the water down, you're burning yourself alive, idiot!"

      In a similar story, somebody at my lunch table can't seem to learn a lesson either. Every day he attempts to make a three pointer into the trash can with his leftovers. Every time, he fails to sink it. Now, this isn't a hoax, the described trash can was the standard rubber-maid variety, about 1.5 feet in diameter. He's been at it the whole year, somehow hoping to get it in. I for one, would like to plead insanity on behalf of him. Because, truly, if you try the exact same procedure countless times, expecting different results, there must be something wrong with you (zing) I rest my case, your honor.

             Moving on, I played a considerable amount of Egyptian Ratscrew with my friends Maksym, Nathan, and Steven. Its basically a card game where you put cards down, and if a certain combination comes up, the first person to slap the cards wins the trick. Unfortunately, Being the first hand to slap the cards, usually means you have three other people slapping your hand right after. The back of my hand is really red, and it probably didn't help that on top of that, I burnt it in the shower.

Song Quote of the Day:
"With a thousand lies and a good disguise, hit 'em right between the eyes. Hit 'em right between the eyes. When you walk away, nothing more to say, they'll see the lightning in your eyes, you'll see 'em running, for their lives!"
-The Offspring, "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid"

Wait a second...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

free-writes 1

 on a less shallow scale of life, here's some "deep crap" I wrote during our free-writes (3 minutes of writing whatever comes to mind)  in English class:

The Long Idle Hours-

The spectator is truely the best player in the event. He sees all, and although he may shout, simple thoughts dabble through his mind. The spectator does not sweat, he does not grow tired. If the world were to sudennly collapse, it would certainly not fall on him. The once simple thoughts, drizzling, flourish into full ideas, growing on every vine. Concepts of beauty, of intelligence. How could this have evolved. Through observation perhaps! A sudden singing explosion of thought. All this time, all this space, and entire world of people. When the sun sets in the deep sky, when the last breath is taken, it will be taken for love.

We may never pass this way again-

This is defining, it counts now, all that time leading up to this. I guess we'll find out if it pays off. A flash, no, more like a glimmer, is all that can be seen in the solemn cracks of the surface. The rain seems denser, bringing the world down with it. But I keep walking, and I will only stop for the flower I came here for. But It Might be dead. I'm really not sure. It's probably right around the corner here, are you ready? I'm not, but let's get moving.
                        I for one, think the road to Hell is beautiful.


heh heh, I just learned how to embed stuff in the blog! :D

Anyway, funny quote from my math teacher when discussing my full year average and how my final exam might affect it:
"You'd have to seriously screw up"
The Context is up to you! :-P

Yesterday, I found some Phillipino currency among my change... A "Piso" is almost exactly the same size as a quarter! Just a month ago my dad was pretty pissed when the toll booth only registered 50 cents instead of 75... hmm... Would anybody like to connect the dots?

Song Quote of the Day-
"we live in a beautiful world... yeah we do, yeah we do."
-Coldplay, "Don't Panic"

speaking of that song, this was a pretty awesome homemade music video I found.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Pretty weird stuff going on around here. I just checked out our hitmap (which you can view at the bottom of the blog) , and i saw that there are people looking at this blog from Kosovo O.O
But even weirder, somebody from fricken South Dakota???
Locations of visitors to this page

I see that the mattress store has a pretty early lead in the polls over there ===>
What if you could rent out the Mattress warehouse (or Sleepy's, if you're feeling for a place with a less industrial name) and just throw a huge-ass party all night (Huge ass not required). I mean, think about it. Whether you are tired or drunk, there will allways be an open bed for you and a "friend" of your choice! and besides stains, what could go wrong??? Admit it, just having everybody jumping around from mattress to mattress would be a pretty epic idea, no?

pretttyy normal day actually.

Song Quote of the Day: "Up on Melancholy hill, there's a plastic tree. are you here with me? Just looking out on a day of another dream, where you can't get what you want, but you can get me.
-Gorillaz, "On Melancholy Hill"

what a bummer...

Things that really get me down:

1. At starbucks, when they call out the size for the next drink, you get all excited that its yours. And then you have to listen to them as they call out a DIFFERENT DRINK. I swear, I nearly ran out of the store the last time they did that.

2. When you think that somebody is looking at you, so you stare right back, only to realize that they were looking at the person behind you.

3. Coming up with random conversation just to talk to somebody, and just when you start to get hints that you are being annoying, you realize you actually need something for once.

4. When the person next to you gets one more point than you on the big test.

5. Getting assaulted by the Rollerskating posse gang.

6. When your friend doesn't remember the inside joke you just said.

Experiment Conclusion

experiment conclusion-
Last night, i put my ipod on the dock, and set it on the lowest volume (oddly, zero, and you can still hear it in the dead of night) I put it on repeat, and what did i have to live with the entire night? That's right, Last night, I slept to Tik Tok, to test the effects of subliminal messages through music.

-I did not indirectly feel like hitting this city
-I did not feel like the biological father of 5 children from different mothers.
-I did not feel like I've changed my stage name three times.
-I did not feel related to a friend of a drug lord

This was a Failure, I did not wake up feeling like P Diddy, or any of the above symptoms. But I did wake up in the morning feeling like going back to sleep. the music kept me up until 2 at least, leaving me five hours of sleep.