Thursday, May 20, 2010

Valid Arguments.

Ok, here's something to chew on:

Why do we cook bacon, and bake cookies? wouldn't it make more sense to work words so that we bake bacon, and cook cookies? Another thing, why do we park in driveways, and drive on parkways? that is seriously messed up, and i think we need to pass an amendment to the constitution to have this fixed immediately. Who's with me?

          Anyway, this next paragraph is dedicated To somebody Named Katie Smith. She's kind of an odd fellow (fellete? I don't know the female equivilant!) shes really not threatening at all, and she sucks at building bridges. If you ever meet her in real life, which there's a very large chance you will (she's always outside) then i suggest you run. Long story short? She is kinda too awesome for you, despite her disability when it comes to masonry arts. Hiss

people who are mad at your for unknown reasons are particularly frustrating. Especially if they don't tell you why, and you don't want to ask again out of fear you'd just be annoying them more.

Anyway, im pretty excited for tommorow. I'm going to a dance. Im just scared that i'll embarass myself by doing some old timey move. I think i'll just play it safe and do the robot and the sprinkler, as soon as they start playing some saturday night fever. If I'm feeling really lucky, I'll advance to the jitterbug, since that's apparently what reels the ladies in. But you know, just keeping up with the times!

 Along with that, Me and all my teammates are wearing our ultimate jerseys to school tomorrow, we're aiming for team pride for a relatively new unappreciated sport! (science teacher should be amused at our chemical element names.)

Song Quote of the Day-
"Because when a heart breaks, no it don't break even..."
-The Script, "Breakeven"