Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Learned my Lesson? Not quite..

                This is probably the fiftieth time I have burned myself in the shower. I swear, as soon as I step into the tub, I get all existential, ravaging every thought that comes to mind, apparently including the one that says "turn the water down, you're burning yourself alive, idiot!"

      In a similar story, somebody at my lunch table can't seem to learn a lesson either. Every day he attempts to make a three pointer into the trash can with his leftovers. Every time, he fails to sink it. Now, this isn't a hoax, the described trash can was the standard rubber-maid variety, about 1.5 feet in diameter. He's been at it the whole year, somehow hoping to get it in. I for one, would like to plead insanity on behalf of him. Because, truly, if you try the exact same procedure countless times, expecting different results, there must be something wrong with you (zing) I rest my case, your honor.

             Moving on, I played a considerable amount of Egyptian Ratscrew with my friends Maksym, Nathan, and Steven. Its basically a card game where you put cards down, and if a certain combination comes up, the first person to slap the cards wins the trick. Unfortunately, Being the first hand to slap the cards, usually means you have three other people slapping your hand right after. The back of my hand is really red, and it probably didn't help that on top of that, I burnt it in the shower.

Song Quote of the Day:
"With a thousand lies and a good disguise, hit 'em right between the eyes. Hit 'em right between the eyes. When you walk away, nothing more to say, they'll see the lightning in your eyes, you'll see 'em running, for their lives!"
-The Offspring, "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid"

Wait a second...

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